Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Le Photo Contest - Take On New York! Time to Vote!

It's time to VOTE for your FAVE Le Bunny Bleu Take On New York Photo!

Here's how:

1. Go the the Le Photo Contest Board:

2. COMMENT on which ones you like (every COMMENT is a Vote!)

3. The one with the most votes wins FIRST PLACE PRIZE  = $100 to spend at Le Bunny Bleu;
SECOND PLACE PRIZE  = $50 to spend at Le Bunny Bleu!

4. Everyone who makes a comment will also be entered in a drawing to win  a special gift from Le Bunny Bleu! (so even when you vote you win!)

*Not on Pinterest? Not to worry - you can still vote on your favorite by emailing maria[at]lebunnybleu[dot]com !
Your email will count as a vote (or if you need a Pinterest invite to vote on the Le Photo Contest board - I can help you with that, too!)


  1. i vote for leannesugarplums set in the lebunnybleu competition

  2. Vote for central park polybaby please
